2017 Edition

Everything there is to know about our second edition.

On this page you can find the best pictures from our 2017 edition, and the list of exhibitors that helped us achieve a great result for this event.




How did it go?

The second edition of Toys Milano drew to a close with a huge jump in attendance: 102 exhibiting firms and more than 1,200 buyers from all over Italy.

Making its debut just a year ago, the event has become a forum for dialog and doing business for a growing number of industry professionals, clearly evidenced by the figures for the second edition: 102 exhibiting companies and 1,212 buyers, compared to 60 and 837 respectively in 2016 (+70% and +45%).

The distribution sector was amply represented – from wholesalers to large-scale retailers and, above all, traditional outlets like toy stores, paper-goods shops and bookstores. Attending for the first time as exhibitors were some of the top childcare brands that met with specialized retail chains, proving that, in Italy, bringing together supply and demand is crucial to this sector as well.

Toys Milano also focused special attention on the world of licensing – approximately 30% of toys are licensed – making exhibit space and meeting rooms available to the participating licensors for the display of their most successful properties.

The workshops that took place over the two days of the event were also extremely popular. This year they made an in-depth analysis of topics in which the visitors expressed keen interest: from the development of normal trade to the measurement of consumer satisfaction, to web marketing.

Also celebrated during the show was the 70th anniversary of Assogiocattoli, an association that over seven decades has proven its ability to innovate and, above all, anticipate the needs of the industry and its members; Toys Milano is a good example.

Toys Milano partners: Toy Store and Baby World, trade journals specialized in the industry, and Milano Licensing Day, a “hub” for services and information specific to Italy’s licensing market.






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