In this section it is possible to register and download exhibitor pass

Exhibitor Pass

Customize and download your EXHIBITOR PASS in full autonomy.
The exhibitor pass is valid for both days of the event and the entrance and exit times for the Pavilion are as follows: 8.30 am – 7.00 pm.



We remind that the number of passes for each exhibitor is calculated on the basis of the square meters assigned as indicate at Art. 10 of the General Regulations of Application Form that we report below:

  • Nr. 4 pass for booth unit of 9, 18 and 36 sq.m. assigned
  • Nr. 6 pass for booth unit of 63 and 90 sq. m assigned
 DO YOU NEED MORE PASS? PLEASE WRITE TO: cinzia.forlani@assogiocattoli.it


Free Breakfast

The exhibitor pass includes a FREE coupon valid for a free breakfast for the two days of the event (16 and 17 of April). Showing the ticket in one of the two bar points of the Pavilion, you will be able to take advantage of this opportunity reserved to Toys Milano and Bay-B exhibitors!


Car Pass

Each exhibitors has n. 1 FREE CAR PASS which can be requested writing to the following e-mail address toysmilano2022@fieramilanocongressi.it of the Customer Service of Fiera Milano Congressi by 3rd of April 2023 indicating the following data:

  • Company name
  • First name
  • Last name
  • Car plate
  • E-mail address
  • Driver’s mobile phone number (in case of emergency)


The CAR PASS will be valid only on the days of the event Sunday 16 and Monday 17 of April 2023
h. 07.30 am to 07.00 pm (the exit time is flexible)