Online • May 08-19, 2023 (4th Digital Edition)
Toys Milano PLUS
Our digital event as an added tool (PLUS) to our physical event.
To accommodate the dramatic shift in information needs for 2020, TOYS MILANO has launched its new digital frontier: TOYS MILANO PLUS, a custom-built digital platform designed to help overcome obstacles related to the global pandemic. It’s an added tool (PLUS) but does not replace the value and the typical features of the physical show itself.
TOYS MILANO PLUS remains active for a limited period of time, allowing buyers and registered companies to broaden their contact base and boost business relationships
TOYS MILANO PLUS ushers in a new dimension of service offered jointly by the Salone Internazionale del Giocattolo, and Assogiocattoli, marking a novel way to do business, in step with the times.
After a simple registration procedure, industry buyers are accredited to visit TOYS MILANO PLUS where they can view in detail the registered companies’ product lines; in turn, the companies showcase their products, adding descriptions and multimedia content, and they can make direct contact with potential buyers and provide additional information about their products.
Explore out special content section
TOYS MILANO PLUS is a multi-layered communication and updating tool. Thanks to this section, in addition to updates posted by companies, suppliers and clients can find high-quality content and topics of interest for the sectors represented.
These are the partners we worked with for our second edition:
BabyWorld (E-Duesse Communication), Barbie®, Flowtech, GfK,, Internotrentatre, LifeGate, MLD Entertainment, NPD Group, The D-Side, The Playful Living (partnered with Creative Industries Lab del Politecnico di Milano), TG TuttoGiocattoli, Uno Quattro Studio Legale, XChannel
TOYS MILANO PLUS eliminates the barriers of time and geography. It is a service and an extra opportunity to expand one’s contacts, business, partnerships and relationships, multiplying the ways to gain the winning edge.
TOYS MILANO PLUS: + contacts, +products, + possibilities, +time!