A three-generation passion for games

“At Cayro we’ve been playing for three generations and we always want to play one more game”: this is how Krlos Mengual, Export Manager, introduces the company. “Since 1954, our work has consisted of more than just inventing and producing games and toys. We’ve created moments shared with the family, moments of fun for young and old alike. At school, in shops, outdoors or at home on a rainy afternoon; any time and place is good for playing. That’s why we don’t want our work to be just developing and producing games and we carry out activities that help expand play and squeeze its potential to the maximum. Starting in shops, where the great work of retailers enables people to enjoy our games. And since we know that there’s no better way to learn than having fun, we can also be found in schools. Most of our games have a learning component and help children develop certain abilities. So we try to turn classes into non-stop recreation by showing teachers the benefits of our games through specific training”.

Cayro’s status on the Italian market is constantly improving, based on the intense care aimed at the market and at the product distribution: “The company has always paid attention to the consumer, having the products introduced by those who are able to highlight their features in terms of sustainability, education and play value”, explains Donatella Papetta, owner of Top Company which represents Cayro in Italy. “This is the reason why Cayro is not directly present on the online platforms and the mass market but only in the specialist stores. The pandemic and the following period have confirmed and promoted a positive trend – already emerged in the last few years – by which board games are constantly growing (4th position in NPD’s Supercategories). Close cooperation with a leading retailer like Città del Sole has furtherly pushed the spread of Cayro products, whose success recently led to a distribution agreement with Selegiochi for some of its items”.

As regards Spain, instead, Mengual reports: “Following a very peculiar Christmas season, the market registered growth, letting 2022 begin with encouraging data, especially as far as board games are concerned. At the moment, we perceive uncertainty due to price increases and war in Ukraine so that the customers are very cautious in buying, but our figures are increasing anyway”.



