Play as tool of individual growth and socialization

For CreativaMente, which deals with designing, manufacturing and marketing board games, with the goal of involving kids and adults offering fun and learning opportunities, play is a veritable tool of individual growth and socialization.
During almost 20 years the Italian company has been conceiving and developing games which are suitable to different age ranges and devoted to many fields of knowledge: mathematics to history, English to geography, history of art to sciences and further on to grammar, foreign languages and yoga.

We personally follow any single stage of the games development, from the initial idea to involving experts, from the manufacturing of the first prototype to the play-tests, from the choice of the materials to the selection of the best suppliers, always and strictly ‘made in Italy’ ”, says Emanuele Pessi, Managing Director (picture). “All of our games’ parts are made of high quality materials and manufactured in Italy, involving local companies exclusively. Components are assembled in our factory where every box is packed as well.

Several new proposals are announced for 2022, including a revised edition of Che Scienziato Sei? (What Kind Of Scientist Are You?) and a product on Emotions, among educational games; among party games, Miao Bau Ciao by an Italian inventor and Ramba Zamba, an international best-seller; among family games, Karak, another international hit.

Beside being ‘made in Italy’, our products are of top quality thanks to our care for the protection of the environment: we prefer wood rather than plastic and employ FSC paper and wood. The point of arrival of these choices of ours was, in 2021, the development of Zesty, a game which aims at awakening the new generations to all matters concerning environment and sustainability. We have decided to give 100 different schools all over Italy a free copy, in order to let thousands of children play and learn”, Pessi concludes.


